Just When You Think...

by Simo

Now there's a lot of different Furries, and I have to respect that.
There's straights and queers, but you might have expected that.
But there's no one thing with which to unite us.
Aside from the critters, but that's pretty obvious

-- Kurell Raven

...Everything is hunky dory

It's been pretty obvious what unites us ever since the late, unlamented, BurnedFurMovement™ self destructed and took all that controversy between "fans" and "lifestylers", their war on furverts or whatever, with them into that good night of utter obscurity. Ever since, things have been looking up: Hollywood ceased treating Furrydom as a dirty joke. Contrast the season closer of Lucifer with the furpile made to look like a scene from Dante's Inferno that was part of THE CSI episode. As for how the media presents Furrydom, they have reverted to using the fandom as a source for Sunday supplements and human interest stories about unusual people and their unusual hobbies that we saw in the early '90s. The furbash web sites have disappeared: those curses of Furrydom -- the Portal of Evil, CYD, LOLFurries/Vivisectors, are gone. The one remaining, Something Awful, lost interest in furbashing back in Ought 6. All the furbash Ell-Jay comms are gone from the 'Net or have fallen into disuse. The once most active furbash comm, fursecution, hasn't seen a new post in ten years.

What could possibly go wrong?

What's Going Wrong

I have said it before and I'll say it again: If it exists out there among the PaL it will find its way into our furry, fuzzy microcosm of the PaL. If you've been paying any sort of attention, it can not have escaped you that American politics has become toxic ever since the election of Donald Trump. If you thought Bush Derangement Syndrome was bad, if you thought accusations that Barack Obama wasn't eligible to be POTUS were over the top, Trump Derangement Syndrome beats that, double in spades.

For some, the critters no longer unite us. We have been infiltrated by toxic people whose only purpose is to divide and destroy us, and everything else they touch. The AntifaFurs™ have arrived.

We haven't seen anything like this since the BurnedFurs™. The BFs™ tried turning Fur against Fur; they caused the end of many friendships, drove affiliates from our ranks. The BFs™ were responsible for bringing all the wrong sorts of attention to the wrong sorts of people, giving us that MTV schlockumentary: Plushies and Furries, THAT episode of ER ("Fear of Commitment"), the most infamous episode of CSI ("Fur and Loathing"). And let's not forget the hard copy press: Pleasures of the Fur (Vanity Fair), Heavy Petting (Loaded), &c &c &c ad infinitum, ad nauseum. The BurnedFurs™ were a colossal pain in the ass, to say the least. However, despite all that, there were certain things the BF™s didn't do. With but one exception, they never threatened violence. They never caused the cancellation of a furcon. To be sure, these AntifaFurs™ weren't the one and only cause, but they damn sure contributed mightily to the loss of the Rocky Mountain Fur Con.

How many Furs had their vacation plans ruined because of this? How many were out their registrations? Do you even care? Why do I bother asking, after all, Vladimir Lenin said you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

Burn 'Em at the Stake

Witch hunts and character assassination: the Left are still whining about Sen. Joseph McCarthy (never mind that the release of the Venona Files proved "Tailgunner Joe" right). The concept of irony goes over the heads of leftists at warp speed with megaparsecs to spare, as they are doing the exact same thing they accuse McCarthy of having done.

Foxler Nightfire

Foxler is a Denver fursuiter whose fursona is a corsac fox. His Furry handle is a portmanteau of "Fox" and the last syllable of his RL name: "Miller". Get it? "Fox"-"ler". Did you know he is also a notorious neo-Nazi™? Here's the proof. I got this piccie from the web site of his fursuit maker.


Pretty damning... Owate!

Real Nazis

See the difference? These real Nazis show how to give the Roman (Nazi) salute. They are all standing at attention, facing forward, with their right arms extended forward. Foxler is standing sideways in a stance that is not military attention (or even parade rest). His right arm is extended out sideways, almost 90° from forward and his wrist is bent backwards, not straight. He's waving.

Hitler Saluting

Here is Herr NSDAP himself demonstrating how it's done. Does this bear any sane resemblance to what Foxler is doing?

Oh, and Foxler is biracial (Thai and German), queer as a three dollar bill, and is in a relationship with a black guy. He's also a Furry who dresses up as a bipedal fox. Any one of those things would get his furry, foxy ass booted from any neo-Nazi™ group you care to name. Had he shown up in Charlottsville for that "Unite the Right" rally, it's only a question of who would have given him a beat down first: AntiFa™ or the AltRight™? He would be lucky to get out of there in one piece. Yet, he is still accused of being a neo-Nazi™. Only an Antifa™ leftie could possibly be stupid enough to believe this utterly ridiculous accusation. The other possibility is that they have so much contempt for you that they "think" you will believe it. The Left and Reality have a tenuous relationship at best.

Foxler developed his fursona on Second Life in Ought 7, and for a decade no one had a problem with it. Through no fault of his own, he became a target for these self righteous AntifaFurs™. Why? The far left needs enemies. If they can't find one, they'll manufacture one. If it can happen to him, it can happen to anyone -- including you.

Furry Raiders

Foxler's local Furry meet-up. This group is mentioned by name at Fur Affinity:

Why did you add Alt-Right to your examples of hate groups?

We didn't initially recognize the Alt-Right as a hate group since the movement was relatively new and made up of many different voices. As time has passed, it has been officially classified as a hate group by many reputable organizations who closely monitor hate and terrorist group activities. We have also identified many accounts and monitored numerous, coordinated activities rooted in spreading hate and furthering instability within the community through the use of our website - these accounts have now been closed. It has been determined that the Alt-Right majorly consists of white supremacists, neo-fascists, and other fringe hate groups. If you identify as or promote Alt-Right ideologies (e.g. Alt-Furry and Furry Raiders) on Fur Affinity, you may be permanently banned.

Link Here

Here is the Furry Raiders mission statement from their own website: About.

The Furry Raiders project was established in 2007 (three yeard before anyone ever heard the term: "AltRight") on Second Life by a small group of furries. Our goals were (and are) to help build a stronger and better community while encouraging personal creativity and expression. We believed that the best way to do this was through achieving equality for all furries.

We stand with furs who believe in freely expressing thoughts and creativity; we believe in being inclusive of as wide a range of furries as possible. It takes all kinds of different people to build a robust community and as such we will be tolerant of any fur's interests and beliefs (so long as no laws are being broken).

The Raiders do not believe furries should try to control others in any respect (unless that fur is attempting to break the law). We wish to encourage a enjoyable and creative space, and want to be of service to the furry community in any practical way that should present itself.

The Furry Raiders team continues to look for ways to expand equality and diversity of thought and expression within the furry fandom, which we believe to be the foundation of this community. As we continue down this path of discovery, we will always challenge obstacles to these goals head-on to help build a stronger and better community.


#ifdef SARC

That sounds like it was lifted straight from the pages of Mien Kampf!


What about Antifa, "Alt-Left" and the Alt-Light (New Right)?

At this time, we could not find enough evidence to consider Antifa a hate group and what was provided appeared to be of false-equivalence. There has been voiced concern about their operations on Fur Affinity and we have and will continue to monitor and take action against any user who promotes or encourages illegal activites and violence on our website as per our rules. Concerning the Alt-Left, there is no evidence one exists, and the Alt-Light or New Right has specifically distanced themselves from the Alt-Right and openly rejected hate and identity politics.

The hypocricy is stunning in its audacity. The Dept of Homeland Security has classified Antifa™ as a domestic terrorist threat. You don't get more hateful than that.

Federal authorities have been warning state and local officials since early 2016 that leftist extremists known as "antifa" had become increasingly confrontational and dangerous, so much so that the Department of Homeland Security formally classified their activities as "domestic terrorist violence," according to interviews and confidential law enforcement documents obtained by POLITICO.

Since well before the Aug. 12 rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, turned deadly, DHS has been issuing warnings about the growing likelihood of lethal violence between the left-wing anarchists and right-wing white supremacist and nationalist groups.

Link Here

What is wrong with who's in charge of FA? It would seem they are every bit as illiterate as they are pig biting stupid. This dumbassery costs me IQ points just looking at it. Dragoneer has never been known for having a lick of sense, as amply demonstrated by past performances concerning the cub art fiasco, and especially the treatment given to Chew Fox and Tom Cat after that Tyra Banks Show clusterfuck. That he would acquiesce to these leftie-looney-tunes shows that a garden slug has more backbone. What he should have done is told these AntifaFurs™ to kindly fuck off and if they didn't like it to leave FA and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. By no means is it acceptable to slander a long established group without at least taking a look at their mission statement. Did anyone even bother to do that, or did they just acquiesce out of fear that they would be next? You give an Angstrom and they'll demand a parsec EVERY. GODDAMN. TIME. Who's next? What other examples of either actual or alleged Crimethink™ will bring down the ban hammer? Where and when do you draw the line, Dragoneer? Inquiring minds want to know.

Unlike Dragoneer, I actually bothered to have a good look at the Furry Raider's forums. There's an "Introductions" section, a "Conventions" section, a Fursuiting section, an art and literature section, and so forth. It looks like any other normal Furry forum: precisely what it is. So far as that scary ideology that will get you kicked off FA if you so much as mention the Furry Raiders, it is nowhere in evidence. Hell, the Raiders don't even have a politics section on their forum. They have a "Debate Room", but it isn't exclusively political. Yeah, some hate group. Whatevs. It is clear to me and anyone else who isn't living in Leftie La-la Land that these accusations are BULLSHIT.

Dragoneer: get your head out of your ass and get your priorities straight. You are allowing a recognized terrorist outfit free run of FA. If you can't find "enough evidence" that Antifa™ are terrorists -- if the Dept. of Homeland Security and the FBI aren't good enough for you -- then you make your leftist bias transparently clear.

That's always been the problem with witch hunts: they spiral outwards, sweeping up more and more folks who are farther and farther removed from the original "witches" you began to hunt.

How NOT to Deal with this Problem

What they are discussing at the 48:00 mark is absolutely the wrong thing to do. Learn from history: this was the A Number One mistake we made regarding the BurnedFurs™.

Can this kind of open hate group be allowed to exist in the fandom, and to spread their propaganda the way they do, gathering such a hopeless, mindless following? Sure, they have rights, but we can certainly give them a little shout back in mass numbers in an attempt to discredit them and impose a reverse social plague upon what they want you to think and believe. We're not here at the Freezing Furry movement to gain attention, but to disenvow these bastards who would take away our dreams like the Nazi's tried to over 50 years ago.

-- Jurann Foxtail

Jurann Foxtail was the founder of the Freezing Furs. His mission statement is as hysterical as anything produced by the BFs™.

But give to you what you refuse to give to me? Stand by mute while you morally condemn me and my friends, while you denounce me and what I hold true as perverse, deviant, sick, and immoral? I don't think so. Before you cry 'hypocrisy,' look into the mirror and see someone who refuses to give what they are so adamantly screaming for to the very groups they are asking it from. Those who live in mud houses should not spray others with water hoses.

-- Sarah "Manawolf" Wheeler

For the most part, Manawolf tried to be reasonable, and to appeal for reason. She denounced, and rightly so, the crack-attack against the Burned Fur Webring, and she strongly opposed e-mail bombing and harassment of individual Burned Furs, and spam bombing of Live Journal accounts. However, she dropped the ball with this endorsement to engage in the Great Internet Furry Flame War.

Been there; done that. How did that work out? This is why the Great Internet Furry Flame War burned hot and fast for nearly three years. These AntifaFurs™, these self appointed gate keepers (Who the hell asked you? Just who the hell do you think you are?) of Furrydom, and the BFs™ all have one thing in common: they are absolutely powerless to do a damn thing. There is no hostile take over of Furrydom as there is no such thing -- then or now -- as a "Furry, Inc." to take applications, vet prospects, issue memberships, determine what is and is not Furry. To conduct initiations, to determine who's in and who's out. These AntifaFurs™ can't kick you "out" as there is no "in" from which to kick you. You are a Furry if you say you are a Furry. Nothing can change that. The only power they have over you is the power you hand them. Don't do that. All they can do is troll you on the 'Net. You don't have to reply. I know, it takes a certain amount of fortitude to say nothing while someone is talking shit about you. Yet, what more does it take to move your mouse and click away from those posts and/or sites? Here's another helpful suggestion: before you bang away in anger at your keyboard, take a deep breathe and imagine that asshole, sitting breathlessly waiting for the response that never comes. There's little else you can do anyway: it's a two edged sword. They are powerless to kick you out, and you have no power to kick them out. And you shouldn't even try. That only makes a bad situation worse, never better.

If I still haven't convinced you, let's review the circumstances of the cancellation of the RMFC. Here is a screenie of the tweets.

RMFC tweets

Olivia did precisely the wrong thing! Would this -- all by itself -- have canceled the con? That's unlikely, but combined with incompetent management (they allowed their tax exempt, non-profit, status lapse due to negligence). Law enforcement deemed Deo's threat credible (despite that he had no intention of attending), Deo complained to the con chair about Olivia's "threat", even though it was no threat as Deo wasn't attending, and brought the matter to the hosting hotel's management. The hotel demanded extra security which the con couldn't afford, since they allowed their non-profit status to lapse and owed back taxes. As Deo had no intention of going, therefore that reply from Olivia was meaningless, he should never have mentioned it in the first place. This is a common leftist tactic: cause a provocation, then claim victim status if any push back occurs. Yet another reason to ignore trolls: you're playing into their hands.

There's a lesson in there if you care to learn it: this whole shitstorm could have easily been avoided had Deo's initial tweet been ignored. Even if the threat was credible, you leave that to con security and law enforcement. That's what they get paid to do. It is especially important in this day and age. When Eric Blumrich "threatened" to put Xydexx's "head through a wall" if they ever met at a con, Xydexx didn't go running off, whining about how he was threatened. Of course, that was a different time, and Xydexx of a generation that didn't demand their SafeSpaces™, TriggerWarnings™, their therapy puppies, coloring books, and Play Doh. He wasn't a Special Little Snowflake.

Getting a rise out of people is the life's blood of any troll -- then or now. The BurnedFurs™ gleefully filled Usenet thread after thread with hundreds of posts. That's what they live for. After all, when real solutions to the real problems were offered, the BurnedFurs™ did nothing to see those solutions implemented. Every complaint was a red herring as all that interested them was the flame war. Deny them that satisfaction! You get no where arguing with a troll who's not interested in a debate. Had Deo's tweet been ignored, the con would have gone on as scheduled. The RMFC probably would have collapsed, due to gross mismanagement (how incompetent do you have to be to forget for three years to file the paper work to renew your nonprofit status?) anyway. They were balanced at the precipice, but this shove was unnecessary and avoidable.

The A Number One difference between Burned Fur and Antifa is that the latter is orders in magnitude more malevolent. If you get on their shit list, they will try to dox you, get your social media accounts canceled, get you banned from Furry web sites. The Burned Furs never did any of that. All too many gutless admins are all too ready to acquiesce without giving you a fair hearing. Take all reasonable precautions while on-line: don't be giving out personal information, and keep any information you submit to web sites and forums to the bare minimum required for registration. If you attend cons, it's a good idea to avoid announcing that ahead of time. They can't attempt to get you barred if they don't know you're going. Under no circumstances give out information like addresses, phone numbers, credit card information, Social Security numbers. If that seems "paranoid", just remember: "Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you". They will even go after your jobs and careers. If they do anything off line, document everything, and report the harassment to law enforcement. The Dept. of Homeland Security classes Antifa™ as a domestic terrorist organization. You can be sure your complaints will be taken seriously.

Yes, I know there can be problems. If you're kicked off one web site, there are others. You can also start your own web sites. Develop a reliable circle of friends whom you can count on. If they're truly your friends, they know what you're like and no amount of hear-say can change that. If third party rumours make a difference, then were they ever really your friends? Better to find out who the real assholes are sooner than later, I always say. Lend your support to Furries being persecuted; show these AntifaFurs™ that you don't care what they say, and that you're ignoring their rumour mongering. That will shut them down quickum. Avoid toxic people and toxic places: get off Twitter; get off Facebook. Twitter serves no useful purpose as its 140 character limit doesn't allow for more than mindless sloganeering. That is why it's so heavily infested with leftists: they have little else but slogans they parrot with less thoughtfulness than any real parrot. As far as I'm concerned, Facebook is one colossal collection of malware. You have zero privacy there. As for arguing, don't bother: you will never reason anyone out of any position they never reasoned themselves into.

Relax: Furrydom is a good deal more resilient than you think. We survived SOF, TBOF, the Great Fan v. Lifestyler Battle, the Burned Furs, and six years' worth of being treated like a dirty joke by Hollywood, and the press. Richard Chandler's "Hiroshima Reality Bomb" never went off. Not. Even. Close. We can -- and will -- get through this. That's always been the far Left's undoing: they eventually eat their own.

Those who genuinely are "antifa" -- truly opposed to neo-Nazis and everything they stand for -- are the ones who should be afraid of Antifa™ -- both within Furrydom and without. If you are a Trump supporter, or even if you post a nice word for Trump, you will be called a "nazi". If you are a Second Amendment supporter -- let alone a member of the NRA -- you will be called a "nazi". If you dare to express a political view even slightly to the right of Che Guevarra (their hero: this psychopathic killer for Castro is a favourite T-shirt character) you will be called a "nazi". This is the far left's new thought-stopper. I never thought I would live to see the day when Americans -- Americans, fer Chrissake! -- took that furtive look around to see who might overhear before sharing an honest opinion in low whispers. Let alone within Furrydom. Finally, how many times can you kick a puppy before he stops coming to you, tail wagging? Keep telling conservatives they're "nazis", keep telling white men (especially white Christian men) that they are oppressors, that they are all rapists, that "whiteness" is Ray... something, that they are worthless and dead white males such as Shakespeare aren't worth studying, and don't be surprised if they finally have enough and tell themselves: "Fukkit, if I'm always going to be accused of it I might as well be it". Antifa™ is doing the Alt-Right's recruiting for them.

Constantly call those who dare to disagree with the far left narrative "Nazi's", hatters, homophones, and Ray... something you are training John and Jane Q. Public to understand that "Nazi" means "I don't like this person", or Ray... something means: "I just lost the debate". John and Jane are perfectly capable of seeing the difference between an innocent wave and a "Seig Heil" salute. This gives the real fascists among us the best cover they could ever have -- better than anything they could come up with on their own. These far left whack jobs obviously weren't paying attention in grade school when the rest of the class was reading "The Boy Who Cried Wolf".

I know Foxler doesn't need my advice as he can take care of himself. I would offer him the same advice I would offer anyone in the same situation. Foxler: don't compromise your character just to appease these whack jobs. Appeasement never works. Go on being Foxler and be happy about it. Don't concern yourself with what others say. John and Jane Q. Public will quickly become bored with seeing the same accusations and lies over and over again until they stop paying attention. This, too, shall pass and fade away into a well earned obscurity. Always remember that revenge is a dish best served cold. It will be entertaining to watch from afar as these assholes explode into a supernova of self-righteous indignation just before they disappear forever into the black hole of obscurity of their own creation. Trust me on this: it will happen. It is inevitable.

PS: In the past, I have answered hate mail with ridicule and biting sarcasm. I am announcing a new policy for this article: any hate mail will receive no reply or mention here or anywhere else on the 'Net. If you send me hate mail, all you are doing is wasting your time.

PPS: Threatening e-mails will be reported to ISPs and the relevant authorities.
